O nama

O Savezu gorskih vodiča Hrvatske

Savez gorskih vodiča Hrvatske (SGVH) prva je i jedina samostojna strukovna vodička udruga u Republici Hrvatskoj. Savez je osnovan 30.11.1996. godine i logičan je slijed razvoja vodičke djelatnosti u turizmu.

Osnivači SGVH su vodiči s dugogodišnjim iskustvom koji su zaključili da samo ovakvo vodičko ustrojstvo može udovoljiti sve većim i složenijim zahtjevima koji se postavljaju pred gorske vodiče.

SGVH kao član međunarodne udruge saveza planinskih vodiča Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA) ovlašten je osposobljavati međunarodne planinske vodiče po standardima UIMLA.


Školovanje vodiča u SGVH jedna je od osnovnih zadaća ovog saveza. Po uzoru na vodička ustrojstva drugih zemalja razrađen je sustav školovanja u stupnjevima, prilagođen zahtjevima različitih kategorija vodiča.

Savez brine o cjeloživotnom obrazovanju svojih članova, povezuje se sa sličnim udruženjima drugih zemalja te promovira aktivan i pustolovan turizam.


Riječ predsjednice

Iz objavljenih viđenja, poslanja i ciljeva Saveza gorskih vodiča Hrvatske (SGVH) mogu se izdvojiti osnovni postulati osnivača:

„Zaštita prirodnih ljepota Republike Hrvatske kroz ekološki održivi vid turizma, planinski ekoturizam. Takav turizam moguć je između ostalog bavljenjem časnim i poštenim vodičkim poslom uz kontinuirano praćenje razvoja te ulaganje u kadrove sposobne da stručno i profesionalno odgovore na sve zahtjeve koji se pred njih stavljaju kako bi u konačnici došli u položaj ključnog čimbenika u cjelogodišnjoj ekoturističkoj ponudi Hrvatske.“

Kako bi SGVH bio na tragu onih načela na kojima počiva, različita su polja djelovanja u smjeru kojih želimo nastaviti put.

Kao prvo to su stalna i obavezna izobrazba vlastitih kadrova, jer jedino sustavnim vježbanjem i ponavljanjem usvojenih znanja i vještina moguće je jamčiti visoku razinu koju predstavlja značka koju nose SGVH/UIMLA vodiči.

Zatim izobrazba novih članova u sustavu školovanja koji je prilagođen zahtjevima tržišta outdoor turizma, odnosno aktivnog i pustolovnog turizma kako je on zakonski definiran, kao i smjeru u kojem se tržište razvija. U samom članstvu SGVH postoje pojedinci koji imaju relevantno znanje i iskustvo, a koje su voljni prenijeti na ostale članove. To se prije svega odnosi na starije članove čije je iskustvo i znanje od neprocjenjiva značaja za SGVH, ali i na članove iz drugih država koji su se pozicionirali u svojim matičnim državama i na međunarodnome tržištu.

Suradnja s planinarskim i turističkim organizacijama kao i nastavak dosadašnje dobre suradnje s UIMLA-om, ali i svim drugim relevantnim inozemnim organizacijama koje bi mogle pomagati interesima članstva SGVH također su jedan od važnih čimbenika budućeg rada. Suradnja s regulatornim i državnim tijelima usko se veže uz suradnju sa strukovnim tijelima.

I na kraju, ali ne manje važno, transparentna komunikacija i odnos s članstvom, jer SGVH postoji zbog svojih članova.

Savez gorskih vodiča Hrvatske je udruga profesionalnih planinskih/gorskih vodiča te kao takva mora osigurati kontinuirano održavanje i unapređivanje znanja svojih članova te biti spona između svojih članova i tržišta. Također, mora održavati konstruktivan dijalog sa svim relevantnim sudionicima – i tržišnim i regulatornim – na način da se prihvati realno stanje, potrebe tržišta te standardi struke. Nova vremena zahtijevaju nove, fleksibilnije i efikasne pristupe. Time bi se i nadalje mogao održati interes za školovanje, što i je osnovna svrha Saveza, te bi se stvorili novi kadrovi prijeko potrebni za opstanak i budućnost SGVH.

Predsjednica Saveza gorskih vodiča Hrvatske:

Tatjana Zajec, dr.med.vet.

Zagreb, 13. ožujka 2019. godine

Riječ prve predsjednice


Istinski lijepa, u značajnoj mjeri očuvana i biološki raznolika, ali nadasve osjetljiva i krhka hrvatska priroda zaslužuje primjereni, ekološki održivi vid turizma. Tradiciji, koja se gubi nestankom stanovnika iz te prirodne ljepote, treba pak suvremeni životni poticaj. Zaraditi pošteno za sebe i za buduće naraštaje ostavljajući im prirodu kakvu poznajemo, može se ponosno pokazujući svijetu povjereno nam nasljeđe. Biti vodič kroz našu prirodu je časna mogućnost.


Struka profesionalnih vodiča u planinama odraz je boljeg i kvalitetnijeg življenja cijele društvene zajednice. Njeno jačanje je preduvjet očuvanja suživota prirode i čovjeka, te ponajbolji primjer suvremenog, ekološki svjesnog, vida turizma tijekom cijele godine – planinskog ekoturizma.


Okupljati struku planinski vodič i njoj srodne, brinuti o struci kroz trajno unaprjeđivanje i školovanje, usklađenim planom školovanja sa sustavom UIMLA-e (Union of International Mountain Leader Associations), dovesti struku u položaj ključnog čimbenika u cjelogodišnjoj ekoturističkoj ponudi Hrvatske.

Napisala: M. Gobec

kratka povijest sgvh


About the Association of Mountain Guides of Croatia

The Association of Mountain Guides of Croatia (SGVH) is the first and the only independent professional guides association in the Republic of Croatia. The association was founded on November 30, 1996 and it is a logical sequence of the development of guides’ services in the tourism sector.

The founders of SGVH are guides with many years of experience who concluded that only this type of guides’ organization can meet the ever-increasing and complex demands that mountain guides are faced with.

SGVH, as a member of the Union of International Mountain Leader Associations (UIMLA), is authorized to train international mountain guides according to UIMLA standards.

The guides’ training at SGVH is one of the basic tasks of this association. Based on the model of guides’ organizations in other countries, an educational program for guides’ training was developed in levels which respond to the requirements of different categories of guides.

The association takes care of the lifelong education of its members, connects with similar associations in other countries, and promotes outdoor and adventure tourism.


Introduction by the President of SGVH

According to the published reviews, missions and objectives of the Association of Mountain Guides of Croatia (SGVH), there are the following basic postulates to be emphasized:

Protection of the natural treasures of the Republic of Croatia through an ecologically sustainable form of tourism, the so-called mountain ecotourism. Such form of tourism is possible, among other things, by engaging in honorable and honest guides’ work with continuous monitoring of current developments in this sector. Moreover, another important factor is the investment in personnel capable of expertly and professionally responding to all the demands imposed on them, in order to ultimately become a key factor in Croatia’s year-round ecotourism offer.

In order for SGVH to follow the principles that it promotes, there are various domains of activity we want to follow as guidelines.

First of all, we focus on the constant and mandatory training of our own staff, because only through systematic practice and monitoring of acquired knowledge and skills is it possible to guarantee a high level of guides’ services and maintain the good image of  the badge SGVH/UIMLA they wear on their jackets.

Furthermore, great emphasis is put on the training of new members in a formation system that is adapted to the requirements of the outdoor tourism market, i.e. active recreational and adventure tourism as it is legally defined, as well as in accordance with  the market trends. In the SGVH membership itself, there are individuals who have relevant knowledge and experience, which they are willing to pass on to other members. This primarily refers to older members whose experience and knowledge are of the highest value for SGVH, but also to members from other countries who have established themselves in their home countries and on the international market.

The cooperation with mountaineering and tourist organizations, as well as the continuation of the good cooperation with UIMLA, but also with all other relevant foreign organizations that could help the interests of SGVH membership, are also one of the important factors of our future activities. The cooperation with regulatory institutions and state bodies is closely related to the cooperation with professional bodies.

And last but not least, transparent communication and relationship with the membership. For SGVH exists because of its members.

The Association of Mountain Guides of Croatia is an association of professional mountain guides and as such it must ensure the continuous training and improvement of the members’ knowledge and skills, always tending to be the bridge between its members and the market. Also, it is supposed to maintain a constructive dialogue with all relevant participants – both market and regulatory bodies – and focus on the facts, the market requirements and professional standards. Modern times require new, more flexible and more efficient approaches. In this way, we will succeed in maintaining the interest in professional training,  which is the main purpose of the Association. Thus, the way is free for the arrival of new staff undispensable for the survival and the future of SGVH.

President of the Association of Mountain Guides of Croatia:

Tatjana Zajec, dr. med. vet.

Zagreb, January 13th, 2019

Introduction by the First President


The truly beautiful, largely preserved and biologically diverse, but above all sensitive and fragile Croatian nature deserves an appropriate, ecologically sustainable form of tourism. Tradition, which risks to disappear because of a decrease of inhabitants in this beautiful natural environment, needs a modern life stimulus. To make a fair living for yourself and for future generations by leaving them preserved nature as we know it today, and proudly show the world the heritage entrusted to us. Being a guide in such nature is an honorable task.



The activity of professional guides in the mountains is the mirror of a better, high-quality life for the entire social community. By supporting these activities, we guarantee the condition for a better coexistence of nature and man and give the best example of a modern, ecologically conscious type of tourism throughout the year – the mountain ecotourism.


To bring together the mountain guide profession and all those related to it, to take care of the profession through permanent improvement and training, in accordance with the educational requirements of UIMLA (Union of International Mountain Leader Associations), to make this profession become the key actor in Croatia’s year-round ecotourism offer.

Written by: M. Gobec

kratka povijest sgvh